

Why Join the Canadian Ferry Association?

The members of the Canadian Ferry Association represent all major ferry routes in Canada and represents a diversity of vessels and crews.

The CFA encourages high standards of operation, representing the interests of the industry across Canada and brings the strength of a unified voice to our sector.

  • Strength in numbers. By representing the sector as a whole, the association is able to achieve our members’ objectives where individual operators may struggle.
  • Networking with other operators. Canadian Ferry Association members are invited to members-only events and get a discounted rate at our annual conference.
  • Engaging the federal government. CFA regularly lobbies and participates in policy and regulatory discussions with senior federal officials. Never worry about your voice not being heard by decisions makers, with CFA you are always at the table.
  • Make your company better. The Canadian Ferry Association is developing a Best Practices Library, which will include valuable resources to help our members increase their revenues and improve their businesses.

Members fall into four categories:

Owner/Operator Members:

  • A ferry owner or operator interested in the objectives of the Association.
  • Annual Dues are based on Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) of entire fleet.
  • See here for more details.


  • Attend AGM
  • Ability to attend the CFA AGM and Conference at a preferred rate
  • Opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors Invited to attend in-camera meetings with government officials, as available
  • Networking opportunities with government officials and other CFA members, including events on Parliament Hill
  • Ferry routes listed on CFA website
  • Newsletter and other distributed material
  • Voting privileges per gross registered tonnage:

2,500 & less = 1 Ballot
2,501-10,000 = 2 Ballots
10,001-40,000 = 3 Ballots
40,001 & above = 4 Ballots



  • A corporation or agency interested in the objectives of the Association that is not a ferry owner or operator.
  • Annual Dues are $1,000 per year.


  • Attend AGM
  • Ability to attend the CFA AGM and Conference at a preferred rate
  • Networking opportunities with CFA members
  • Company and contact information listed on the Directory of Expertise
  • Newsletter and other distributed material
  • Voting privileges: 1 vote per company


Associate Members

  • Company: A one to two-person company or individual interested in the objectives of the Association.
  • Annual Dues are $200 per year.


  • Attend AGM
  • Ability to attend the CFA AGM and Conference at a preferred rate
  • Company and contact information listed on the Directory of Expertise
  • Newsletter and other distributed material
  • No voting privileges


Municipal/Regional Associate Members

  • Stay up to date with the marine and ferry operators through our newsletter and other distributed material
  • Not voting privileges
  • No annual dues


Interested in becoming a member?

The benefits of membership:

Networking with the marine community of the Canadian ferry industry and Transport Canada Marine Safety

Representation at regulatory forums such as CMAC

Help shape the future of CFA with board representation

CFA News - emailed stories of interest to the ferry industry

Exclusive pricing on CFA events and conferences

CFA News - emailed stories of interest to the ferry industry

Honorary Life Members

Honourable David Anderson, P.C., M.P. – Former Minister of Transport (1996-1997)
Captain Mike Carter – Retired Vice President of BC Ferries and Former Chair of the Board of Directors (1995-1996)
Honourable David Collenette, P.C., M.P. – Former Minister of Transport (1997-2003)
John A. Cormier – Retired vice-president of Operations and Human Resources –  Ferries  Limited and former Chair of the Board of Directors (1993-1994)
Jean-Yves Gagnon  – Retired President of Société des Traversiers du Québec and founding President of CFA (1991-1993)
Gerard Leblanc – Retired CEO of CTMA (1975 – 2009)
Murray O. Ryder – President, Coastal Transport, Founding CFA Member and Treasurer (1987)
Captain Trafford Taylor – Retired Executive Vice President, New Ship Construction of BC Ferries and former CFA Board Member (2000)
Honourable Chuck Strahl, P.C., M.P. – Former Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (2010-2011)