The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is soliciting comments from stakeholders about a regulatory proposal. Details below:
The proposal modernises requirements for operators serving water to passengers on board aircraft, trains, cruise ships, ferries and buses within federal jurisdiction in Canada. The proposal incorporates feedback received from industry stakeholders during consultations in January 2013 and during public review during the summer of 2014.
Details about the proposal are available at:
Please send all questions and feedback to the Travelling Public Program for consideration. All comments received by September 4, 2015 will be considered before the regulatory proposal is finalised. Feedback can be sent via email to, or to:
Sara Strawczynski
Senior Policy Advisor, Travelling Public Program
Agence de la santé publique du Canada
100 Colonnade Road, Postal Locator 6201C
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-952-8189